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58已有 3855 次阅读  2010-07-29 22:51   标签意大利  马赛克  首饰  美丽 
古董首飾界有種飾品,世人稱之為馬賽克(Mosaic)風格首飾,乃是將細小的寶石以拼貼的方式拼出一幅幅美麗的圖案。馬賽克風格古董飾品,又可細分出三種類型: Mosaic, Micromosaic 及 Pieta Dura。這三種類型看似相似,其實有不同的功夫在裡頭。我分別說明如下:

1. Mosaic 馬賽克:指用無數個細小且色彩豐富的玻璃磚拼湊出美麗圖案的飾品。

A piece of jewelry with countless small pieces of multicolored glass tiles or tesserae which are inlaid flush to create a beautiful design.  

↑Mosaic 青色別針

↑Mosaic 戒指

↑  Mosaic 圖案大多以花朵為主,



↑維多利亞風格 Mosaic手環

↑Mosaic 紅色墜飾項鍊

2. Micromosaic 微馬賽克: 與馬賽克的技巧類似,但所使用的玻璃磚更為細小,利用上千個小玻璃磚,以精湛的手工技巧將小磚仔細排列出花樣,然後上蠟並拋光,最後的成品表面觸感十分的平滑與細緻。

Similar to mosaic but the difference is the glass tiles or tesserae are very, very small, using thousands of the tiny tiles which are painstakingly hand assembled and placed into a pattern, with a final step of waxing and polishing, and the finished product is much smoother.

↑ 照片有點模糊,


若是以Mosaic 手法,則一個花瓣便是一個玻璃磚。


3. Pietra Dura:義大利文,字面上的意義為硬石頭。將如玉隨(chacedony)、瑪瑙(agate)、碧玉(jasper)、天藍石(lapis lazuli)等較硬的寶石切長條狀,然後用Mosaic的方式排列出圖案。這是在文藝復興時期流行於義大利佛羅倫斯的首飾製作方法,流傳至今依舊受到世人歡迎。Pietra Dura首飾通常都在底色較深底座上排圖,好讓圖案更為明顯。

(Italian) Literally, hard stone.  The term (although a singular form) refers to the various hardstones (e.g. chalcedony, agate, jasper, lapis lazuli) used in flat slices in the type of mosaic produced in the Florence during the Renaissance and continuing until today, and is sometimes applied to an example of the work.  Generally, thg background is a darker color to offset the object being depicted. 






↑Mosaic 別針正面。


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